[高中]Germany makes war payments

On September 15, Germany said it would give $1.2 billion in its latest payment to Holocaust(大毁灭) survivors. The Holocaust was the killing of 6 million Jewish men, women, and children, and millions of others, by the German Nazi party during World War II (1939–1945).

[高中]Eurozone financial system faces ‘severe risks’

The European Central Bank told the region’s banks to prepare for financial turmoil(混乱;骚动;动乱;焦虑) caused by huge falls in investments and potential disaster in the house market.(Telegraph Business)

[read more]欧洲央行要求所属区域的银行做好准备,以应对因投资大幅下降和房地产市场潜在灾难而引发的金融动荡。[/read]