[高中]Germany makes war payments
On September 15, Germany said it would give $1.2 billion in its latest payment to Holocaust(大毁灭) survivors. The Holocaust was the killing of 6 million Jewish men, women, and children, and millions of others, by the German Nazi party during World War II (1939–1945).
sightword 视觉词 高频词 闪卡 白卡
[高中]Eurozone financial system faces ‘severe risks’
The European Central Bank told the region’s banks to prepare for financial turmoil(混乱;骚动;动乱;焦虑) caused by huge falls in investments and potential disaster in the house market.(Telegraph Business)
[read more]欧洲央行要求所属区域的银行做好准备,以应对因投资大幅下降和房地产市场潜在灾难而引发的金融动荡。[/read]
[四级]600,000 Particles of Skin
It is estimated that humans lose about 600,000 particles of skin every 60 minutes. Do some simple arithmetic and that equates to about 1.5 lbs(pound) of dead skin per year.